Real-time Monitoring and Analytics

With this use case, we demonstrate how Quick can be used to process data streams and consume the results to build live dashboards. For that, we consider the example of a car-sharing company. Their fleet of cars drives around the city. All of them emit statuses that, among others, include the trip’s and vehicle’s ids as well as the current position and car’s battery level. Our dashboard provides insights into the current status of all cars as well as details for single trips.

Apache Kafka & Data Processing
void buildTopology(StreamsBuilder builder) {"status")
            .groupBy((key, status) -> status.getTripId())
            .aggregate(Trip::new, this::aggregateTrip)
Trip aggregateTrip(String tripId, Status newStatus, Trip trip) {
    List route = trip.getRoute();
    // first time we see this trip id
    if (route == null) {
        route = new ArrayList();

    return trip;

Quick is based on Apache Kafka. It organizes and stores event streams in topics. In our case, we have a vehicle topic containing the vehicle name and range as well as a status topic for the emitted status events. We can process such event streams with the help of Kafka Streams. For example, we can accumulate status events with the same trip id into a trip. We simply group the incoming status events by their trip id and append them to a list. The result is written into the trip topic.

You can find the full code in our repository. The Kafka Streams application is written with our streams-bootstrap library, which, among others, offers sensible defaults and reduces the required boilerplate code. Of course, you are not limited to simple aggregation. With Kafka Streams you can also build more advanced applications. One could for example build a predictive maintenance service with it.

GraphQL Schema
type Subscription {
    statusUpdates: Status @topic(name: "status")
type Status {
    statusId: String
    tripId: String
    vehicleId: String
    position: Position
    batteryLevel: Int
    distance: Int
    timestamp: Int

type Position {
    lat: Float
    lon: Float
type Query {
    trip(id: String): Trip

type Trip {
    id: String!,
    vehicleId: String!,
    route: [Status]

Having our topics defined, we start by modeling the data required in the dashboard. Quick’s querying logic is built upon the data query language GraphQL. It allows us to create a global schema of our data and the supported operations. Subscriptions are one type of such operations, which allow us to consume real-time updates of the data through websocket connections. The first snippet shows an exemplary GraphQL schema for live updates of the emitted status events. With that, we have a subscription operation called statusUpdates that we can use to get live updates of Status events. The second snippet shows how a Status looks like.

Besides the live updates, we also require access to a single trip. A trip is the accumulation of all statuses with the same trip id. As we want to query this information on demand, subscriptions do not work in this case. GraphQL offers the Query operation instead. The third snippet shows a query called trip that allows us to pass an id as an argument and returns the corresponding Trip.

Connecting Apache Kafka and GraphQL
type Query {
    trip(id: String): Trip @topic(name: "trip", keyArgument: "id")
type Trip {
    id: String!,
    vehicleId: String!,
    vehicle: Vehicle @topic(name: "vehicle", keyField: "vehicleId")
    route: [Status]

type Vehicle {
    id: String!,
    name: String!,
    maxRange: Int!

Quick introduces a custom GraphQL directive called @topic. It allows you to annotate fields and connect them to a topic. With that, we can define the relationship between our GraphQL Schema and Kafka. We first connect the statusUpdates subscription to the status topic. It ensures that each event written to the Kafka topic is pushed into the GraphQL websocket connection.

Second, we want to display information about a vehicle when querying a trip. Instead of creating a separate operation, we can add this information to Trip itself: Trip has a new field vehicle. It populated with the data from the vehicle topic based on the value of the trip’s vehicle id field. One major advantage of GraphQL is its flexibility. When querying a trip, the user can decide if they indeed require the vehicle information. If this is not the case, the corresponding data is never loaded and thus no overhead occurs.

Setting-Up Quick & Gateways
quick context create --host $HOST --key $KEY
quick gateway create car-sharing
quick gateway apply car-sharing -f ./quick/schema.graphql

We are ready to process and query our data. We start by setting up our Quick instance. First, we initialize the Quick CLI, which requires a base URL and an API-Key. Second, we create a new gateway and apply our GraphQL schema.

Start Kafka Streams Application
quick topic create vehicle -k string \
  -v schema --schema car-sharing.Vehicle
quick topic create trip -k string \
  -v schema --schema car-sharing.Trip
quick topic create status -k string \
  -v schema --schema car-sharing.Status
quick app deploy trip-aggregator \
 --registry \
 --image trip-aggregator \
 --tag latest \
 --args input-topics=status output-topic=trip

First, we create all required topics. The command expects the topic name as well as the type or schema of key and value. Since we have complex values, we define a GraphQL schema. Then, we can start our Kafka Streams application. Quick supports running dockerized applications.

Go Live
curl -X POST --url $HOST/ingest/vehicle \
    --header 'content-type: application/json' \
    --header 'X-API-Key:$KEY' \
    --data "@./data/vehicles.json"
subscription {
  carSharing {
    position {

When all resources are up, we can start to ingest data into our system. Quick supports the ingest through a REST-API. For example, the first snippet shows a command ingesting new vehicles into the vehicle topic. When cars are ingesting their status events into the system, we can start to use our query and subscribe operations. For example, we can run a subscription with these results:

statusId tripId vehicleId latitude longitude batteryLevel distance timestamp
drj02vln8nwvwp5goc 2i8wnx o0338h 13.422029 52.50517 75 24942 1616808550
271m5qzgno3lrh0bn6 blnd1l eikegb 13.293791 52.54985 75 26312 1616808550
02xhrscvc6o0vijyk8 jkehob jis2t3 13.262929 52.54061 86 33972 1616808550
8clm8g1cu50tasdje8 5vfevl uae6rs 13.454952 52.48825 79 50281 1616808550
ru3bcvq4t08rko7n4i vkzhze 2vn7p2 13.424133 52.485806 70 118558 1616808550
h27j9qbpnim6v1l62x x7rsxx xc9bwi 13.411969 52.54107 54 147317 1616808550
k77v3tnu38n14n9unu 6a8t0o bkoi9p 13.505628 52.57557 82 29753 1616808550
f0so763cwocqmronef mikdho 1sjhjr 13.285142 52.49432 41 168217 1616808550
367iyqn9x7xcls7lwv f4ialb 06zmlu 13.351915 52.472813 67 69773 1616808550
kqtlcsiz08cjxjhk3h mdoh37 wu3qia 13.293555 52.536884 45 172664 1616808550
oxi6tmcg9kied6svuc uwz5xq 3q0q0d 13.398802 52.572403 47 102869 1616808550
9rodzbkwqllqqbc3d3 voxul7 v6k3ou 13.444397 52.46356 91 9592 1616808551

Query a single trip
  trip(id: "jvae2u") {
    vehicle {
    route {
      position {
  "data": {
    "trip": {
      "id": "jvae2u",
      "vehicle": {
        "name": "BMW i3",
        "maxRange": 396
      "route": [
          "statusId": "qw05eq3h8ct4x7q2p0",
          "position": {
            "lat": 13.393371,
            "lon": 52.52579
          "distance": 180625,
          "timestamp": "1616789646"
          "statusId": "oebajab2xrgvdgo30d",
          "position": {
            "lat": 13.426252,
            "lon": 52.534878
          "distance": 184009,
          "timestamp": "1616790087"